Spiritual Disposition – Part 2

The secret of the Mind

Definition of Spiritual Disposition -“A Spiritual person’s inherent qualities of mind and character. “Isaiah 14:13 (AMP)“But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly In the remote parts of the north.”

At this point I need to mention that the scriptures sometimes interchangeably use heart and mind. It actually means the very core of the existence of a being whether spiritual or physical. How did God know what the devil was thinking in his heart? That means Gods spirit searched the heart of the devil (who was the anointed cherub then) and found deep down inside his mind (the very core of its existence) the thoughts that he wanted to become like God. This is why the devil understands the power of the mind and why he has chosen to control the mind.

The devil searches deep into were no one has ever gone. He also knew God have given man the mind and that’s why the devil knows how to work the mind of man.

Genesis 3 This was why he told eve to eat of the Fruit in the garden. So she can also experience the mind (The power of choice). That’s why God asked eve – Who told you, you were naked? It’s a figure of speech; which means who unlocked your thoughts of (choice) of evil and good. This was the power the devil was offering eve that she would  be like God, if she unlocked the power of the mind. Even though God gave us the mind, He wanted us to be reliant and dependent on His own Mind because His mind is filled only with goodness and purity. The moment we (I.e Adam and every generation of human in Him) chose sides.

The mind became automatically active and corrupted of evil.

Another example of the power of the evil the mind conceives is the story of the towel of Babel. They thought in their mind to do it and God saw they will do it. He had to change their language to confuse them (Genesis 11:1-8) God said nothing they imagined will be impossible for them. 6 “And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one [unified] people, and they all have the same language. This is only the beginning of what they will do [in rebellion against Me], and now no evil thing (their minds) imagine, conceives and they do will be impossible for them”

WHOEVER CONTROLS THE MIND, CONTROLS THE MAN. (Believers or not)Again I ask? What’s your spiritual disposition?


LORD! I surrender my mind, my intellect, my emotions, my will to your Lordship and ruler-ship. Bring peace, orderliness and calmness to my mind.

Sing this song

Like a mighty storm

Stir within my soul

Lord have Your way

Lord have Your way in me

Like a rushing wind

Jesus breathe within

Lord have Your way

Lord have Your way in me

Like a mighty storm

Stir within my soul

Lord have Your way

Lord have Your way in me

Lord have Your way

Lord have Your way in me

I surrender

I surrender

I wanna know You more

I wanna know You more

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