Love And Romance

1 Corin.13 vs. 1 – 13

If you read this bible verse you will discover that God was so intentional about what he said! Through that scripture he destroyed religious mentalities about what matters most! Please let us study that scripture carefully and understand what he said and what he didn’t say!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonors others, it is not self seeking , its not easily angered , it keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with truth.

It always protect, always trust, always hope’s, love never fails!

If it failed then it was not love!
Feelings can fail , if you actually studied those words you will discover He never mention sex or romance, kissing and every other sexual activities!

But why didn’t he mention any? I thought we are talking about love here, God didn’t mention sex or sexual activities as part of the definition of love. Then I ask my self where did we get this idea that sexual activities are part of love?

You must be conversant with this word’s.

(Let’s make love, if you truly love me you will kiss me, if you love me let’s have sex so I can be sure of your love)

Our beautiful ladies have been negatively affected by the wrong definition of love, they have allowed their environment teach them what love is! They believed what the society, friends, Tv shows (Nollyhood, ETC) teaches them about love without questioning the idea to know if it is right or wrong!

Our world is suffering because of the lies we have believed! Dear Jesus said and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! Set you free from what? The lies they have told you. Maybe that’s why your relationship ended up the way you never wanted it to be!

1Cor.13.8 Love never fails.

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