God Would Always Be Faithful

Text: Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. Deuteronomy 7:9

Do you know God for who He is?
that is the question for today…
All through the scripture we have been able to denote how loving, merciful, protecting, providing, faithful our Father is… God is faithful in His way, never failing and the word of God is settled…He sure keep to what He says…
knowing God is the wisdom the world needs and understanding God is the wealth one can never attain here on earth. There is a level you know who God is that you don’t need to worry about God’s faithfulness. You don’t need to worry about God’s word or His promises for your life because God would always be faithful to His word and it is an unending faithfulness. God would also fulfill His promises and His word would always be established. knowing God would give you every assurance that you are never alone or would never be disappointed or left hanging…
But aren’t you worried about your faithfulness to God or your role in God’s plan? God demands our action in everything we think, words we say or the way we live our life. Through action would come manifestation. There is always a part for you to play, something is always required of you in the grand plan of God, there is a way of life God wants you to live, there is an assignment God needs you to carry out, no one is left without doing anything in the kingdom of God. The question remains, are you doing your part because God is faithful and willing to do anything for you but are you doing your part?

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